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Canadian Police State: Will Canada Follow U.S. "Patriot" Lead

Canadian Police State: 
Will Canada Follow U.S. "Patriot" Lead
Connie Fogal
Canadian Action Party
January 25, 2006

The USA PAtriot Act had been renewed with a terrifying new term. A new 
permanent federal police force has been created to be known as the 'United 
States Secret Service Uniformed Division.'" It has Gestapo like powers. Sec. 
605 of  USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 
empowers these police  to "make arrests without warrant for any offense 
against the United States committed in their presence, or for any felony 
cognizable under the laws of the United States if they have reasonable 
grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is 
committing such felony."

The new police are assigned a variety of jurisdictions, including "an event 
designated under section 3056(e) of title 18 as a special event of national 
significance" (SENS). "A special event of national significance" is neither 
defined nor does it 
require the presence of a "protected person" such as the president in order to 
trigger it. Thus, the administration, and perhaps the police themselves, can 
place the SENS designation on any event. Once a SENS designation is 
placed on an event, the new federal police are empowered to keep out and 
arrest people at their discretion.

This is very bad stuff.  It impacts  Canadians because under agreements 
entered under the Liberal regime post 9/11 including the Smart Border Plan 
and the Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement Canada has agreed 
to restructure  our police and legal systems to copy that of the USA.  We have 
just been through an election in Canada in which the four 
mainstream parties being the only ones with M.P.s in Parliament said nothing, 
nothing, nothing about any of this fundamental regime change process; 
nothing, nothing, nothing about the anti terrorism legislation under review in 
Canada. The Canadian Action Party has been unable to obtain copies of the 
proposed changes to the Canadian law which were under review before the 
writ was dropped and now will be back on resumption  of Parliament in a few 

No Canadian NGO's have been profiling this legislation. Indeed, the strongest 
NGO, the Council of Canadians,  gave this issue no profile in their Election 
Report . Worse yet, they gave no profile to and continued their discrimination 
against the seven alternative parties some of whom, eg CAP (Canadian 
Action Party),  take a strong active support position on all 
the issues the COC does highlight,and more.

Voters were failed on all fronts.

Prime Minister -elect Harper is lauded by the USA who see him as more Bush 
friendly even than was Martin, and Martin already sold Canada out with his 
signature on the Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement signed by 
Martin Bush and Fox in March of 2004.  Harper has said he would reconsider 
a U.S. missile defense scheme rejected by the Liberal government of Prime 
Minister Paul Martin. He also said he wanted to move beyond the Kyoto 
debate by establishing different environmental controls, spend more on the 
Canadian military, expand its peacekeeping missions and tighten security 
along the U.S. border to prevent terrorists and guns from crossing.
All this means is that Harper will be more open than Martin in his acts of anti-
Canadianism and regime change.  His language of double speak  copies 
Bush. He even ends his speeches with "God Bless Canada"

If I am right that no  concerned thinking Canadian will support the Gestapo 
legislation now intact in the USA, all of us, but especially those Canadians 
who voted for the Conservatives, the Liberals, the NDP, the Bloq Quebecois 
have no time to lose. We must all  immediately contact our new MPs and 
demand cancellation of the anti-terrorist legislation in 
Canada.  Even the NDP need strong prodding . Some of  their candidates 
were talking  more law and order, more punishment. Like the NAFTA, the anti-
terrorist legislation is so fundamentally flawed , is so liberty stripping that it 
must be revoked , not re-jigged. Similarly the Smart Border declaration and 
the Security and Prosperity Partnership 
Agreement  must be revoked. All the administrative changes in process by the 
bureaucracy arising out of those agreements must be halted.We are either 
sovereign or we are not. MPs need to prove they have not been neutered.

Please read the following article respecting the U.S.A law. It is definitely not 
safe to travel to the USA any more, or even to fly over their airspace.  Arbitrary 
power is unleashed there. Americans are prisoners now in their own land. 
Canadians await the same fate unless we compel this minority government to 
stop it here.

Connie Fogal, Leader, Canadian Action Party

Unfathomed Dangers In Patriot Act Renewal
By Paul Craig Roberts
A provision in the "Patriot Act" creates a new federal police force with power to 
violate the Bill of Rights. You might think that this cannot be true as you have 
not read about it in newspapers or heard it discussed by talking heads on TV.

Go to House Report 109-333 -USA PATRIOT IMPROVEMENT AND 
REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 2005 and check it out for yourself. Sec. 605 

"There is hereby created and established a permanent police force, to be 
known as the 'United States Secret Service Uniformed Division'."

This new federal police force is "subject to the supervision of the Secretary of 
Homeland Security."

The new police are empowered to "make arrests without warrant for any 
offense against the United States committed in their presence, or for any 
felony cognizable under the laws of the United States if they have reasonable 
grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is 
committing such felony."

The new police are assigned a variety of jurisdictions, including "an event 
designated under section 3056(e) of title 18 as a special event of national 
significance" (SENS).

"A special event of national significance" is neither defined nor does it require 
the presence of a "protected person" such as the president in order to trigger 
it. Thus, the administration, and perhaps the police themselves, can place the 
SENS designation on any event. Once a SENS designation is placed on an 
event, the new federal police are empowered to keep out and to arrest people 
at their discretion.

The language conveys enormous discretionary and arbitrary powers. What is 
"an offense against the United States"? What are "reasonable grounds"?

You can bet that the Alito/Roberts court will rule that it is whatever the 
executive branch says.

The obvious purpose of the act is to prevent demonstrations at Bush/ Cheney 
events. However, nothing in the language limits the police powers from being 
used only in this way. Like every law in the US, this law also will be 
expansively interpreted and abused. It has dire implications for freedom of 
association and First Amendment rights. We can take for granted that the new 
federal police will be used to suppress dissent and to break up opposition. 
The Brownshirts are now arming themselves with a Gestapo.

Many naive Americans will write to me to explain that this new provision in the 
reauthorization of the "Patriot Act" is necessary to protect the president and 
other high officials from terrorists or from harm at the hands of angry 
demonstrators: "No one else will have anything to fear." Some will accuse me 
of being an alarmist, and others will say that it is unpatriotic to doubt the law's 
good intentions.

Americans will write such nonsense despite the fact that the president and 
foreign dignitaries are already provided superb protection by the Secret 
Service. The naive will not comprehend that the president cannot be 
endangered by demonstrators at SENS at which the president is not present. 
For many Americans, the light refuses to turn on.

In Nazi Germany did no one but Jews have anything to fear from the 

By Stalin's time Lenin and Trotsky had eliminated all members of the 
"oppressor class," but that did not stop Stalin from sending millions of 
"enemies of the people" to the Gulag.

It is extremely difficult to hold even local police forces accountable. Who is 
going to hold accountable a federal police protected by Homeland Security 
and the president?


Paul Craig Roberts is the author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of 
Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the 
Constitution in the Name of Justice. Click here for Peter Brimelow's Forbes 
Magazine interview with Roberts about the recent epidemic of prosecutorial 

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